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#Livro Starters Williams Sonoma New Healthy Kitchen

Livro: New Healthy Kitchen: Starters
Autor: Williams-Sonoma, Georgeanne Brennan
Editora: Free Press
Peso: 700 g
Livro em inglês. Receitas de entradas saudáveis. With New Healthy Kitchen Starters, you can improve your diet while enjoying appetizers such as Cantaloupe and Feta Cheese Salad, Grilled Zucchini Skewers with Coriander, or Prosciutto-Wrapped Radicchio Wedges. This colorful series of healthy cookbooks takes a commonsense approach to eating right. Food fads and trendy diets may come and go, but your family doctor can tell you that you will never go wrong eating a wide variety of fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and legumes.