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Livro The Rough Guide to Classical Music

Livro: The Rough Guide to Classical Music
Autor: Joe Staines, e. o.
Editora: Rough Guides
Peso: 1300 g
Livro em inglês.
"An A-Z of composers, Key Works and Top Recordings."
"Though few of them make much effort to entice a new audience to their product, the recording companies continue to pour out a flood of classical music. The catalogue of current classical CDs runs to more than two and half thousand tightly packed pages, and lists nearly three hundred composers before reaching the second letter of the alphabet. An average month sees some four hundred recordings and re-issues added to the pile. The Rough Guide to Classical Music attempts to make sense of this overwhelming volume of music, giving you the information that's essential whether you're starting from the beginning or have already begun exploring."
Ref. 7938-OM

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