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Livro Henry Holland Life and Architecture 1966

Livro: Henry Holland His Life and Architecture
Autor: Dorothy Stroud
Editora: Country Life
Peso: 900 g
Livro em inglês. Encadernação capa dura com sobrecapa. Esgotado no editor. Vida e obra de Henry Holland, Arquitectura.
This book traces Holland career from his family background and early works to his partnership with Capability Brown, Hans Town, whigs & tories, work for the Prince Regent at Carlton House and the Brighton Pavilion; work for the Duke of York; work for the Earl Spencer; work for the Duke of Bedford; Drury Lane & Covent Garden Theatres; Southill, Debden and Park Place Henly; the Architect's Club; the East India Company & Albany. Out of print book in very good condition throughout with dustwrapper.
Ref. 0610-OM
Preço: 9,99€