#Livro Britain at War in Colour Unique images

Livro: Britain at War in Colour Unique images of Britain in The Second World War
Autor: Stewart Binns, Lucy Carter, Adrian Wood
Editora: Carlton Publishing Group
Peso: 700 g
Livro em inglês, profusamente ilustrado, imagens a cores da participação da Grã-Bretanha na Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Colour photography was still in its infancy in 1939. With the outbreak of World War II, war against Germany, the short supply of color film stock made color photographs even more rare. But some were taken and a few of them have survived. Most of these images have remained unseen for decades. But now the producers of the ITV series Britain at War in Colour have scoured the archives to unearth a remarkable collection of startling color images. The photographs are presented with a brief outline of the events surrounding them and illuminate a unique selection of personal accounts of the war. Intimate letters and diaries of service men and women, civilians, and war-time leaders tell the story of the British experience of war.