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#Livro The Future of Faith Ética Religião e espiritualidade Adjiedj Bakas

Livro: The Future of Faith
Autor: Adjiedj Bakas, Minne Buwalda
Editora: Scriptum
Peso: 600 g
Livro em inglês. Ethics, Religion and spirituality in the new world order. Many people fear the future, but renowned futurologist Adjiedj Bakas and journalist Minne Buwalda believe that we are on the brink of an inspiring new age.
The economic and political world-order is changing fast. Capitalism is in the process of renewal after the recent economic crisis. Emerging countries such as China and India are taking over as Europe and Russia retreat. The climate is changing under the influence of humanity's onslaught on the environment. These economic, political and environmental shifts will bring with them seismic changes for the individuals and communities of the world. The Future of Faith examines how these fundamental changes will reshape the ethics, morality, religion and spirituality that underpin our lives.
It is clear that the future will not be fair to everybody, but neither was the past. And in this new century we will be able to organize and optimize our own happiness in ways we once couldn't begin to imagine.