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#Livro Krav Maga How to Defend yourself against armed assault

Livro: Krav Maga How To Defend Yourself against armed assault
Autor: Eyal Yanilov e Imi Sde-Or
Editora: Dekel Publishing House
Peso: 500 g
Livro em inglês. The Original Israeli System of Self-Defense and Practical Fighting Skills. Krav Maga is today's cutting edge self-defense and hand to hand combat system. Initially developed by Grandmaster Imi Sde-Or (Lichtenfeld) for the Israel Defense Forces and other national security services, Krav Maga has been thoroughly adapted to meet civilan needs. The method was designed so that ordinary citizens, young and old, men and women alike, can successfully use it, regardless of their physical strength. This is the first and only authorized comprehensive manual on the Krav Maga discipline, written by its founder, Imi Sde-Or, and his senior disciple and follower, Eyal Yanilove. This volume especially focuses on the various facets of dealing with an assailant armed with a sharp-edged weapon, a blunt object, or a firearm. Artes Marciais